NeverLand Creates Website for NAID-Australasia 
Arlington, VA (August 20, 2007) - The National Association of Information Destruction worked closely with NeverLand to create a website for NAID-Australasia that reflects the association’s new growth in the Australasian region while building on its heritage.
The website utilizes NeverLand’s dynamic menuing system which supports all major browsers. The site also features fully compliant cutting-edge layout with dynamic CSS, a database based Member search, a dynamic Vendor system, integrated ad system, and automatic Google sitemap updates.
NeverLand Software & Systems (NeverLand)
NeverLand Software & Systems is a privately held company based in Arlington, Virginia. Founded in 1994, NeverLand is an Information Technology services business. The company offers a large range of services to industry, including systems integration services and website, database and application development services to clients nationwide.
NeverLand CUE™
NeverLand’s flagship product is the NeverLand CUE™. This proprietary system enables clients to manage specific features online, including administrator access, web site content, press rooms and other publications, databases, HTML e-newsletters, advertising, contacts, visitor or subscriber passwords, subsidiary web sites, and much more. All this can be done through the CUE™ Management Panel without needing knowledge of HTML or any programming or database languages.
More information about NeverLand can be found online at