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IT Management Service Experience

NeverLand Software & Systems can provide the highest quality of expertise for a large spectrum of systems integration services. Clients may opt to take advantage of our managed services in a complete outsourcing arrangement or in conjunction with their own IT staff. By doing so, clients can dramatically improve the utility of their IT resources while placing a ceiling on their costs.

Our people have worked with the following companies:

Company Industry
American Express Financial/Banking
Bureau of Electronic Publishing Software
California State Government Government
Carpenter, Bennett and Morrisey Law
Chase Manhattan Bank Financial/Banking
ComEd Utility
Doumar Law Group Law
Entex Information Services Consulting
Financial Technologies, Inc. Financial/Banking
First Nationwide Bank Financial/Banking
Liles Parker, PLCC Law
Merrill Lynch, Venture Services Group Financial
National Association of Federal Credit Unions Association
New Jersey Chamber of Commerce Association
Network Business Solutions Consulting
MetaCreations Software
Pentagon Federal Credit Union Financial/Banking
Perseus, LLC. Financial
Pharmavene, Inc. Pharmaceutical
Princeton Theological Seminary Education
Rappahannock Investment Corporation Financial
Real Time Geometry, Inc. Software
Roadshow International Incorporated Software
Shire, Inc. Pharmaceutical
Smith, Stratton, Wise, Heher and Brennan Law
Transcell Technologies, Inc. Pharmaceutical
Trenton Savings Bank Financial/Banking
Trilight Pictures Inc. Film
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Association/Education